Monday, September 15, 2008


Okay so today is Monday. Big Whoop. I had Sunday off and basically just slept all day. Today was a very boring day at work, however none of my carhops showed up and I had to take orders, make drinks, and take them out to customers which is extremely hard to do when you have fifteen cars in the parking lot at any given point in time. Also I think we have a thief. For the past three days our cash has been anywhere from ten to twenty dollars short, so I am making all of the managers do a deposit at the end of their shift. Hopefully this fixes things, or at least lets the thief know that he or she has been caught. Also since I have hired a marketer our sales have gone up 2,000 dollars this week from this week last year. Good call right? Yeah I thought so. Nothing very entertaining today, truck orders, inventory all the normal stuff. Although I did get hit on. Ha ha. I find it very amusing when someone hits on me. I don't really know why I do. I just think it is funny. I guess men are attracted to big white girls after all. lol. I have my eye on somebody anyway. We have known each other for a very long time, dated, and since broken up. I just cant let him go, and I don't really want to either. Its working for me. My sister thinks it is a dumb idea, but its not about what she wants, although I do value her opinion. Its about what I want. Well, until Tuesday!

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